Bengaluru: The court asked Swiggy to pay compensation to the complainant as he did not receive the ice cream order. The customer was suing the company for not delivering the ice cream ordered through the food delivery platform Swiggy app. The court ordered him to pay Rs 3,000 as compensation and Rs 2,000 as litigation expenses.
A consumer court in Bengaluru ordered Swiggy to refund Rs 187 to the customer for the ice cream, observing that it was caused by Swiggy's poor service and unfair trade practices. Swiggy failed to deliver the 'Nutty Death by Chocolate' ice cream ordered in January 2023. Following this, the consumer approached the Consumer Commission. According to the complaint, a delivery agent picked up the order from the ice cream shop but did not deliver it to her, but the status on the app was 'delivered'. The matter was raised with Swiggy, but the company replied that the order would not be refunded. Due to this, the consumer court was approached.
Swiggy argued in court that it was merely an intermediary between customers and restaurants and could not be held liable for the delivery agent's allegations. The company clarified that it cannot verify that an order has been delivered when it is marked as delivered on the app. But the court rejected Swiggy's arguments.
The court held that the complaint was considered to be meritorious as the ordered product was not delivered but the complainant did not refund the amount paid. The court also clarified that this is a problem of your service. The court then directed Swiggy to refund Rs 187, pay compensation of Rs 3,000 and legal costs of Rs 2,000. The complainant asked for Rs 10,000 as compensation and Rs 7,500 as litigation expenses, but the court found it excessive and suggested this amount.